Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Descriptive Text

A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. Take an example, the following is one of the text belongs to the descriptive text.

the generic structure of descriptive text:



We get the purpose from the text above that description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event e.g. to: ·
Describe a special place and explain why it is special.
Describe the most important person in your live.
Describe the animal’s habit in your report.

Descriptive writing or text is usually also used to help writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc. To complete our intention to, here are the characteristics based on descriptive writing or text, below;

As a feature, description is a style of writing which can be useful for other variety of purposes as:
To engage a reader’s attention
To create characters
To set a mood or create an atmosphere
To being writing to life

While in language function, descriptive writing;
Aims to show rather than tell the reader what something/someone is like
Relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs.
Is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description.
Sensory description-what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted.Precise use of adjectives, similes, metaphors to create images/pictures in the mind e.g. their noses were met with the acrid smell of rotting flesh.
Strong development of the experience that “put the reader there” focuses on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.

Beyond the characteristics stated on, descriptive writing also consists of generic structure in range as:
General statement

The description text has dominant language features as follows:
-Using Simple Present Tense
-Using action verbs
-Using passive voice
-Using noun phrase
-Using adverbial phrase
-Using technical terms
-Using general and abstract noun
-Using conjunction of time and cause-effect.

News Item

Purpose : to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important

Generic Structure :
1.Newsworthy event(s)
2.Background event(s)

Language Features :
-Short,telegraphic information about story captured in headline
-use of action verbs
-use of saying verbs
-use of adverbs : time, manner and place genres.html


Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. “While now central to the contemporary global economy and the reproduction of global production networks, it is only quite recently that advertising has been more than a marginal influence on patterns of sales and production. The formation of modern advertising was intimately bound up with the emergence of new forms of monopoly capitalism around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century as one element in corporate strategies to create, organize and where possible control markets, especially for mass produced consumer goods. Mass production necessitated mass consumption, and this in turn required a certain homogenization of consumer tastes for final products. At its limit, this involved seeking to create ‘world cultural convergence’, to homogenize consumer tastes and engineer a ‘convergence of lifestyle, culture and behaviors among consumer segments across the world’.” [1]

Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image" . For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.[citation needed]

Direct and Indirect Speeches

Direct and Indirect Speech

When using indirect or reported speech, the form changes. Usually indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said. Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that something was said in the past. In these cases, the main verb in the reported sentence is put in the past. If the main verb is already in a past tense, then the tense changes to another past tense; it can almost be seen as moving even further into the past.

Verb tense changes also characterize other situations using indirect speech. Note the changes shown in the chart and see the table below for examples. With indirect speech, the use of that is optional.

Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech 
simple present
He said, “I go to school every day.” Þ simple past
He said (that) he went to school every day. 
simple past 
He said, “I went to school every day.” Þ past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day. 
present perfect 
He said, “I have gone to school every day.” Þ past perfect 
He said (that) he had gone to school every day. 
present progressive
He said, “I am going to school every day.” Þ past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day. 
past progressive
He said, “I was going to school every day.” Þ perfect progressive
He said (that) he had been going to school every day, 
future (will)
He said, “I will go to school every day.” Þ would + verb name
He said (that) he would go to school every day. 
future (going to)
He said, “I am going to school every day.” Þ present progressive
He said (that) he is going to school every day. 
  past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day 
Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech 
auxiliary + verb name
He said, “Do you go to school every day?”
He said, “Where do you go to school?” Þ simple past
He asked me if I went to school every day.*
He asked me where I went to school. 
He said, “Go to school every day.” Þ infinitive
He said to go to school every day. 

*Note than when a Yes/No question is being asked in direct speech, then a construction with if or whether is used. If a WH question is being asked, then use the WH to introduce the clause. Also note that with indirect speech, these are examples of embedded questions. 

The situation changes if instead of the common said another part of the very to say is used. In that case the verb tenses usually remain the same. Some examples of this situation are given below. 

 Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech 
simple present + simple present
He says, “I go to school every day.” Þ simple present + simple present
He says (that) he goes to school every day. 
present perfect + simple present
He has said, “I go to school every day.” Þ present perfect + simple present
He has said (that) he goes to school every day. 
past progressive + simple past
He was saying, “I went to school every day.” Þ past progressive + simple past
He was saying (that) he went to school every day. 
  past progressive + past perfect
He was saying (that) he had gone to school every day. 
future + simple present
He will say, “I go to school every day.” Þ future + simple present
He will say (that) he goes to school every day. 

 Another situation is the one in which modal constructions are used. If the verb said is used, then the form of the modal, or another modal that has a past meaning is used.

 Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech 
He said, “I can go to school every day.” Þ could
He said (that) he could go to school every day. 
He said, “I may go to school every day.” Þ might
He said (that) he might go to school every day. 
He said, “I might go to school every day.”  
He said, “I must go to school every day.” Þ had to
He said (that) he had to go to school every day. 
have to
He said, “I have to go to school every day.”  
He said, “I should go to school every day.” Þ should
He said (that) he should go to school every day. 
ought to
He said, “I ought to go to school every day.” Þ ought to
He said (that) he ought to go to school every day. 

While not all of the possibilities have been listed here, there are enough to provide examples of the main rules governing the use of indirect or reported speech. For other situations, try to extrapolate from the examples here, or better still, refer to a good grammar text or reference book.

Some other verbs that can be used to introduce direct speech are: ask, report, tell, announce, suggest, and inquire. They are not used interchangeably; check a grammar or usage book for further information.


Passive Voice

Use of Passive

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.

Example: My bike was stolen.

In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.

Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:

Example: A mistake was made.

In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).
Form of Passive

Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)

Example: A letter was written.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)
Examples of Passive Tense Subject Verb Object
Simple Present Active: Rita writes a letter.
Passive: A letter is written by Rita.
Simple Past Active: Rita wrote a letter.
Passive: A letter was written by Rita.
Present Perfect Active: Rita has written a letter.
Passive: A letter has been written by Rita.
Future I Active: Rita will write a letter.
Passive: A letter will be written by Rita.
Hilfsverben Active: Rita can write a letter.
Passive: A letter can be written by Rita.

Examples of Passive Tense Subject Verb Object
Present Progressive Active: Rita is writing a letter.
Passive: A letter is being written by Rita.
Past Progressive Active: Rita was writing a letter.
Passive: A letter was being written by Rita.
Past Perfect Active: Rita had written a letter.
Passive: A letter had been written by Rita.
Future II Active: Rita will have written a letter.
Passive: A letter will have been written by Rita.
Conditional I Active: Rita would write a letter.
Passive: A letter would be written by Rita.
Conditional II Active: Rita would have written a letter.
Passive: A letter would have been written by Rita.

Passive Sentences with Two Objects  

Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you want to put the focus on. Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2
Active: Rita wrote a letter to me.
Passive: A letter was written to me by Rita.
Passive: I was written a letter by Rita.

As you can see in the examples, adding by Rita does not sound very elegant. That’s why it is usually dropped.

Modals In the Past form

Modal auxiliary verbs give more information about the function of the main verb that follows it. Although having a great variety of communicative functions, these functions can all be related to a scale ranging from possibility (can) to necessity (must). Within this scale there are two functional divisions: one concerned with possibility and necessity in terms of freedom to act (including ability, permission and duty), and the other (shall not included) concerns itself with the theoretical possibility of propositions being true or not true, including likelihood and certainty: must = absolute (often moral) obligation, order, requirement, necessity; can/could = physical or mental ability; may/might = permission, option, choice; will = intention in 1st person, volition in 2nd and 3rd persons; and shall/should = in 1st person objective though not moral obligation, no choice, as in: One day I shall die: we all shall die one day; in 2nd and third persons shall implies an incumbent obligation, destiny (It shall come to pass) or a command, decree, necessity imposed by the speaker, as in: A meeting shall take place on the last Friday of every month or a promise, namely that the speaker is stating his obligation to another party that an action or event take place, as in: You shall go to the ball, Cinderella. However, if a speaker states: I will let you go to the ball, Cinderella, in stating his intention, he is, in this instance, also making a promise.

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Membuat flashdisk aman dari autorun-nya si-virus

Tentunya teman2 semuanya sudah mengetahui bhw virus2 dapat menularkan dirinya ke komputer2 lain dengan media flashdisk. -.-“. Kesal? Sudah pasti! Saya juga merasakan perasaan yang sama ketika komputer saya juga ikut2an kena virus… tapi saya punya cara yang ampuh agar virus yang ada di flashdisk tersebut tidak dapat menularkan dirinya ke komputer lain..

Baiklah saya akan mulai membahasnya sekarang, diawali dengan cara penularan virus lewat media flashdisk. Sebenarnya sangat simple, ketika flashdisk dicolokan kedalam port usb virus yang sedang berjalan tinggal men-copy dirinya sendiri ke dalam flashdisk, dan tidak lupa pula dengan membuat file “autorun.inf” yang letak file-nya kasat mata sehingga tidak dapat dilihat. nah… file inilah yang akan kita edit agar virusnya tidak dapat menjalankan dirinya di komputer kita.

Cara yang pertama dengan mengedit secara manual dengan menggunakan notepad atau wordpad. Diasumsikan flashdisk kita yang telah dicolokan kedalam komputer (yang telah terinfeksi) beralamat “F:\”, maka saya akan mencoba membuka file “F:\autorun.inf” lalu enter. Lalu notepad akan terbuka secara otomatis dengan beberapa mantra didalamnya, setelah itu kita tinggal mengedit mantra tersebut dengan memblock semua mantra tersebut(ctrl+a) lalu hapus(backspace atau del) lalu anda bisa membiarkannya kosong lalu tekan ctrl+s untuk men-savenya. Anda juga bisa menuliskan beberapa puisi indah tentang perdamaian didalamnya ^-^.

Tetapi bang blckflcn, bagaimana jika file tersebut memiliki attribute “read-only”? yang jelas kita tidak dapat mengeditnya secara manual!(aaaaarrrrrgh!!!!). Lalu? Apa yang dapat kita lakukan… bang blckflcn? Gigi dibalas dengan gigi, mata dibalas dengan mata, dan yah… anda benar! MANTRA juga DIBALAS DENGAN MANTRA!! Mantranya sangatlah mudah… saya akan membahasnya secara bertahap sekarang juga :

1)buka aplikasi notepad (tempat dimana kita akan menulis mantra)

2)tuliskan mantra del /a:r f:\autorun.inf” (tnp tanda petik) lalu enter.

3)langkah selajutnya adalah tulis mantra lagi! Mantranya “echo ‘terserah tulisan apa’ >f:\autorun.inf&attrib +r f:\autorun.inf” (tnp tanda petik juga).

4)lalu save file mantra tersebut dengan nama file terserah anda dan path-nya terserah anda juga, tetapi extension-nya harus “.bat”(harus tidak boleh tidak)

5)lalu jalankan file mantra yang baru kita buat tersebut

6)buka explorer

7)pada bagian address tuliskan “F:\autorun.inf”, lalu tekan enter sambil mengucapkan “sim…salabim…”. Maka aplikasi notepad akan muncul lagi sambil menampilkan beberapa tulisan, tetapi yang ini jelas bukan mantra ^-^.

Setelah beberapa step tadi, virus tidak dapat menjalankan dirinya di komputer lain ketika kita mencolokan flashdisk kita kedalam port usb-nya. Tetapi bang blckflcn, virus2 dari komputer yang terinfeksi tersebut masih ada di dalam flashdisk saya. Bagaimana ini? Yah, itu sih bukan tugas saya lagi. Itu sih sudah menjadi tugas anti-virus… saya hanya memberitahukan cara agar virusnya tidak berjalan ketika flashdisk kita dicolokan kedalam port usb pada komputer yang lain… lagian mantra yang saya punya masih belum begitu ampuh untuk membuat virus tidak berjalan di komputer. Oleh karena itu, saya akan belajar tentang mantra2 tersebut di hogwarts agar lebih ampuh. Hehehe… ^-^.

Okeh… sekian saja info2 dan mantra2 yang saya jabarkan. (krn sdh tidak tahu lagi harus menjabarkan mantra yang mana ^-^)